Tuesday 21 October 2008

A Human Scene

That's it. A pure scene of humanity and sociability taken by Raquel Sabarich in the heart of Barcelona, a wonderful city that exists long before Woody Allen filmed his movie.
Can you believe it? ;)
Everything in this photograph is perfect, nobody's acting and all is peace and quietness. Not a bad life-slogan, huh?

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Caravan of Death

Once, there was life inside that shells...now it's a sad caravan of skeletons.
I don't know why I love this picture of my dear Raquel Sabarich. She doesn't like it but I am posting it anyway :P

Sunday 5 October 2008

Shadows in the Air

When the sun goes down, some forests seem to be alive.
In our imagination this tree could be a Middle-Earth's Ent.
Photograph by Raquel Sabarich.